Joete's Playground is hosting its Mother's Day auction HERE and it begins tomorrow!! Bidding will go until Saturday the 24th!
Joete's was founded a few years ago by my cousin, Lindsay..
You can read all about the non-profit organization on her website (link above).
Fabulous people and companies have donated fantastic things to this auction... so please check it out, let your friends know and bid on something great for the women in your lives!
All proceeds from the auction will go directly to new playgrounds that Joete's has in the works, so be generous! Give the mothers in your life a fantastic gift and help impoverished children at the same time. We'll ship the gifts directly to mom, or wherever you'd like them to go, it's so easy!
And... if you'd be so kind, it would be very much appreciated if you'd repost this on YOUR blog to get the word out.