This is a fun idea for nieces, nephews and even your own kids. I saw this on a message board and asked the girl if I could share.
Paint blocks with a few coats of paint. Then apply the stickers. Ink or sand the edges to distress. Then put a coat of Mod Podge on them to seal in the stickers. Let dry.
This particular set of stickers is by Me & My Big Ideas (MAMBI). They are no longer made, so if you like this set you just have to hope a craft or scrapbook store still carries this line. I've done extensive searches online and they are hard to find! However, there are other brands of Nativity stickers. You could probably even find cute nativity clipart.
submitted by Hilary
These are darling!
such a fun idea - i love it! where did you get the blocks?
I submitted this, but this wasn't my idea. I think you could probably cut up 2x4's or get scrapwood from a Home Depot/Lowes type store. Or buy blocks (Sam's Club is carrying some this year) and use those. Hope this helps!
how cute! hilary is on fire with all of the creativity!!!!!!!
I love these. My kids have gone through two "kid proof" nativities over the years...only three years, mind you, and these look absolutely indestructible! Yay!
oh sad, I wish I could find the stickers! After searching 45 min..no luck.
Thanks for your cute ideas!
this was one of our biggest hits of Pink Christmas this year. great idea!
I found some of these stickers if anyone is interested. It looks like this site still has some in stock? http://www.google.com/search?q=mambi+nativity+stickers&rls=com.microsoft:*:IE-Address&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7ADBS
Amy Dott has some great Nativity clip art that is inexpensive. http://www.pccrafter.com/shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?id=168&s=1&a=3
I think this may be my neighbor gift this year!!!
these are fabulous! has anyone had any luck finding more of these stickers? i would love to do these for super saturday!
I love these blocks! I also searched for the MAMBI stickers and had no luck, however I did find the exact clip art at pcCrafter.com. It cost $5 to download. I am going to print them on sticker paper and the sisters will have to cut them out (not as convenient as stickers, but worth it, I couldn't find anything else nearly as cute). Thanks for the idea!
Hilary, What size are your blocks? The Sheep look much smaller than Mary . . . is that correct? And where did you get the fat, chunky blocks?
Oriental Trader has Nativity stickers for a good price!
Free printable clipart at
http://shop.hobbylobby.com/products/nativity-stickers-831545/ Yea! I found them!
Thanks for the link, I've been looking for these all over the place!
These are just too adorable especially for the little ones to play with:)
These are just too adorable especially for the little ones to play with:)
Heather at Simply Fresh Designs has done a digital version of these for FREE download!
Google "mambi Sticks Me & My Big Ideas Nativity" and several online retailers sell the three pack sticker set. It is a slight variation of this design. The cheapest I found was on Scrapbooking Warehouse for $1.75.
Thanks for sharing your cute idea!
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